Lamb Key Holder

$ 30.00 USD
  • Dimensions
    in x
    in x
  • Weight

Chanda Gaeth

Artist, Veteran, and Adventurer

After serving almost 25 years in the Army, Chanda retired in 2003. After she retired, she became interested in competitive swimming, which led her to become active in wheelchair racing, cycling, shot put, and discus. Chanda has competed in various sports competitions throughout the years, including three separate Warriors Games and the 2014 London Olympics, where she did win gold.

In 2015, Chanda decided to open her ranch in Kemper as a dual art studio-camping retreat. She hosts art classes for all levels, both in her studio and in nature, and has five separate campsites available for people who want to escape the city for the weekend.

Her artwork is primarily done through a Glow Forge, which is a 3D laser printer that has the ability to print on things like glass, wood, leather, and even denim.